Joy, surprise, love, but also anger, anger or sadness are part of your child's DNA. All of these emotions play an important role in your little one's present and future, including what many parents may think of as negative emotions. Do you want to know how sadness influences the emotional development of the child?
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I can't with my son! He never obeys! We have really tried everything, but it is useless! These are some of the most frequent complaints from parents. A constant and daily complaint that ends up exhausting your patience. Why are some children so disobedient? Why is one son obedient and the other not?
One of the main concerns of parents when they carry out their child's education are the moments when the child discusses the rules or does not heed what is asked of him. When this happens, it is important that parents know how to identify when disobedient behavior occurs so that they can act accordingly and continue with their child's education.
The value of respect that all parents try to transmit to our children happens because our children are not aggressive, have a correct behavior with others and, above all, do not verbally attack other people. What to do if your child insults you or abuses you psychologically? Here you will find the answer!
What child has not ever hidden behind mom or dad? Who has not had the colors removed or has felt the heat of shame on their cheeks? And it is that few people escape from this unpleasant sensation that this emotion causes us. We talk about shame and wonder what children can learn from this emotion and what role does it have within the emotional intelligence of our children.
It is normal that throughout evolutionary development challenging behaviors can be found in children. It often begins at preschool age and continues into adolescence if untreated. It does not have to be a problem if parents face it calmly and set limits to respect.The type of challenging behaviors that appear throughout the evolution of children can take different forms, from extreme passivity in which the child It remains systematically inactive when it comes to obeying other types of responses such as negative verbalizations, fits of anger, arguments with adults, insults, irritability, or aggressive resistance.
When our child is especially tired, irascible, inattentive, and abruptly changes his mood, he may unknowingly suffer from stress. Child stress is associated with some change in your life that disrupts your order. It doesn't have to be a seemingly big change. For example, the arrival of a brother may be enough.
Parents tend to avoid any suffering or pain for their children, precisely because of the love they have for them. Therefore, when talking about the emotion of jealousy at the birth of a baby brother or any other change, the tendency is to be alert and avoid the problem. However, allowing them to experience it and guiding them not to delay learning is very important.
Being shy is a trait of our personality that is due to the set of hereditary factors and the environment where we grew up. Shyness can occur to a greater or lesser degree when we are children. Shyness causes children to experience discomfort, and even apprehension when they experience new situations that occur outside their environment.
Human beings are nonconformists by nature, on many occasions they complain about what they have and want and want what they do not have. For this reason, many parents often do not know how to handle children's complaints, especially when they are continuous.However, we cannot forget that, on the one hand, this stance towards life can offer us different alternatives that will give a pleasant or unpleasant result depending on our response to these facts; that is, if I position myself in the protest or complaint and have a passive attitude or if I position myself in the acceptance of my own reality and choose to adopt a position of proactivity and improvement of what I have.
Shame is a complex feeling because it has a multifactorial component. When we refer to a multifactorial component, we mean that its origin and maintenance over time depends on several causes. Like all emotions (with their corresponding physical and behavioral changes), children's shame also has its origin in the brain, and certain regions are responsible for triggering this reaction.
Having children ever feel ashamed is not bad. Discover the positive side of children experiencing shame and what they can learn from it from the hand of psychologist BegoƱa Ibarrola. In addition, we give you advice so that as a father and mother you help your child to manage this emotion. Shame is a social emotion, that is, it is learned, we are not born with shame.
Understanding what shame is and what its components are will allow us to help shameful children to manage this emotion that appears for the first time from 18 to 24 months and that develops throughout childhood. children feel anger, frustration, sadness or disappointment when they find themselves in a situation that makes us uncomfortable when they believe that others judge and evaluate us.
The shyness and shame of children does not appear until the age of 2. From this age, the child begins to be aware that others evaluate his actions and that they may realize his mistakes and even laugh at him, so they begin to feel ashamed. At 3 or 4 years of age, Children give great importance to the opinion of others and when faced with people or situations that are new or different from their closest family environment, which provides security, they may feel uncomfortable.
All of us, at some point in our life, have felt ashamed or shy. Depending on the situation that occurs, it has been more or less unpleasant, but thanks to the tools that we have acquired as we have grown, we have been able to react. That children feel shame is not bad, but we must teach them to manage it according to their way of being.
You've already been through the 2-year crisis ... and survived. However, it is also common to talk about the 7-year-old crisis, although there are children who go through it a little earlier, at 6 years of age. Our children's childhood is full of adjustments and readjustments. Of imbalances, insecurities, advances and setbacks.
All children have their own personality. There are some who are extroverted, but there are also shy, unruly or quiet children. Whatever their way of being, adults should not try to force the way of behaving of children. Throughout their development, children change their way of reacting to situations.
A few days ago, a query from a mother with whom I feel very identified came to our site. & 39; My 6-year-old son is a love with his father, but with me he behaves much worse, he even beats me and gets very angry. Any advice? & 39; I don't know if something similar has happened to you too or at the moment you are experiencing something similar, but I have good news: we know why children behave differently with their father than with their mother.
Who directs the course of our life? Who determines our personality? Who decides that we are the way we are? The emotions. Without a doubt, the true captains of our ship. Emotions arrive suddenly. They are born with our son. They are the ones that will give you the perfect tools to deal with all kinds of situations, and will encourage you to act, react and give answers.
We all know that impertinent child who knows everything, who does not let people speak, who does not listen, who does not accept reprimands, who disrespect adults and children ... A child with these attitudes is a challenge for parents. In many cases children show such intelligent attitudes that it is even difficult to see the impertinence, and that is where the north of education is lost, letting small attitudes transform your little one into the 'typical child annoying to others'.
Learning the value of respecting oneself and others is one of the most important learning of social interaction that any child must carry out from an early age. Respect is the basis for a correct coexistence and there is no doubt that it is in the family where its foundations are built.